Chenxi Zhang

PhD, Professor @ Domain Software Systems

Teaching Courses:  Computer Architecture, Computer Organization
Research interest:  Computer Architecture, Distributed System

a) Jiangfeng Li, Chenxi Zhang,et al., “A Self Cluster-Based Topology Model with Three Layers for Hybrid P2P Structure”, Journal of Computational Information Systems (EI Index),2008.

b) Chenxi Zhang,Xiaodong Zhang,and Yong Yan,“Two Fast and High-associativity Cache schemes”,IEEE Micro,Vol.17,No.5,Oct.,1997, pp40-49.

c) Chenxi Zhang,and Yungui Ci,“Study of Mechanism That Support Implementation of Non-logical Computer of Prolog”,Future Generation Computer Systems,Vol.3,No.3,North-Holland,Sept.,1988, pp217-224.

d) Chenxi Zhang,and Yungui Ci,“Implementation of Prolog DB Operation Builtins in the Framework of the WAM”,Future Generation Computer Systems,Vol.6,No.l,North-Holland,May,1990.

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