Web-based 3D Visual and Haptic User Interfaces

发布时间:2015-11-19  阅读次数:
演讲题目:Web-based 3D Visual and Haptic User Interfaces
演讲人: Felix G. Hamza-Lup
Associate Professor / Director NEWS Laboratory
机构:Computer Science and Information Technology
Armstrong State University
Savannah, Georgia, USA
3D Visual and Haptic User Interfaces will present the eXtended 3D standard and the Haptic paradigms including a comparison among different haptic API. Topics include: principles of the human visual system and visual perception, principles of the human tactile system and tactile perception, haptic rendering systems, haptic systems categorization, interaction, paradigms and applications developed at the NEWS research laboratory.
1. Tactile Rendering System
Early Research and Development
Early Applications
2. Haptic Systems Categorization 
Based on the Working Principle
Uni-point vs Multi-point
Industrial vs Experimental
3. Haptic Software, APIs and Toolkits
Evaluation & Comparison
4. Haptic Applications
Simulation and Training
Haptic Projects @ NEWS Laboratory

Felix G. Hamza-Lup
Associate Professor, 
Computer Science and Information Technology, 
Armstrong Atlantic State University 
Director, NEWS Research Laboratory, Armstrong Atlantic State University 
Associate Director, ODALab-Spectrum Laboratories, University of Rochester 
Ph.D. Computer Science – University of Central Florida (2004) 
M.Sc. Computer Science – University of Central Florida (2001) 
B.Sc. Computer Science – Technical Univ. of Cluj-Napoca (1999)


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